Thursday, February 24, 2011

Obama :Markets can ride out libya un rest

In the article written by Sunlen Miller, the author was trying to reach out to Americans who are concerned about gas prices.While the author may have used an interview for evidence it does help make the article appear legit.The author while writing the article does not appear to be choosing sides but she does seem to be erring on the side of caution. While reading the article I found that agree with the way the author was writing the article. Yet I also believe that the president is trying his best in reducing the cost of oil for the American people by simply reading this article. By reading this article it also helps people become even more informed about what is happening with the oil prices and why it is constantly fluctanting.
Although I happen to agree with what President Obama is doing. I still think that the people who are being governed have the right to be concerned what with the president passing certain laws and helping states by offering a certain amount of money for the people in need. While the people are concerned with gas prices lately it is likely that they will not be that much concerned over what is happening in Libya. Please read the article I was talking about in this link
. Also you can look it up on ABC as Obama: Markets can ride out libya un rest.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Wisconsin governer

In the article Wisconsin governor firm on budget plan; protests continue  the governor is planning on passing a bill that will cut government worker's  pay by various amounts in order to pay their health care and pension costs.  By doing this the governor is hoping to cover a budget gap that will fall in two years. The problem with this is that the governor is not willing to compromise and many worker's cannot negotiate their benefits. If this bill does come to pass then many people in Wisconsin will feel lose of income very hard. By hard I mean some people will have to struggle to make end's meet or they will lose much of what they had valued. Here is the link for the article at
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