Tuesday, April 26, 2011

deficit debate

The author of Our view: Finally, Obama gets in deficit debate is mostly reaching out to the public by the use of our. The author uses mostly both sides of the debate as a compare and contrast to show what both sides look like.The author's arguement is that it  is better late than  never for the government to finally act as it is supposed to do.  While i may agree with the author's view we still do not know what the outcome is going to be yet.One thing that interested was the way the author kept showing us both sides of the debate to promote the public to consider which side might win the debate and show what could happen if that side should win. It also showed how Obama glossed over certain things when he was debating over the issue with the Republicans. My view of this article was helped by the facts that were presented and how they used ethos in it.The use of ethos though is what greatly influenced me in my decision but there was another thing that helped me make my decision. It was the way that they presented their argument instead just heading directly into
their argument the presented facts and statistics to show their information in a anayltical way to make sure you are able to understand.
 The link for this site is http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/editorials/2011-04-14-Obama-gets-in-deficit-debate.htm

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