Tuesday, April 26, 2011

U.S. Government

It's my beleif that the United States Government is dealing with a lot of problems right now there is many of them due to the slight depression we are going through. One of the things is like the debate on what to do about the huge amount of debt that Government owes, what to do to stem the tide of people that are out of work, and how can the people relieve the debt's they owe.  There are so many things that need to be done but we can't expect it to be done over night it will take time for our government and our society to progress to where it used to be. We also as people need to learn how to conserve the resources we have right now and that is also another issue that our government is dealing with right now. Many people now a day's complain about gas prices and how it used to be for us and their is not much we as citizens can do about the gas prices except to complain to the government about it.

Another one of my beliefs is that in time we will not be in a depression and everything will return to a semblince of normalty that we used to have. Although it might take a while for it to happen a lot of things can change during the time of wait that we will be going through. I believe that the United States will pull through in the end.
 Near the end of this is going to be a series of links that i used,

another is https://acconline.austincc.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_id=_2_1&url=%2fwebapps%2fblackboard%2fexecute%2flauncher%3ftype%3dCourse%26id%3d_49719_1%26url%3d

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